Humanist funerals and memorial ceremonies aim not only to honour and mourn those who have died, but to celebrate them and to offer comfort to those left behind. So it’s a huge privilege and responsibility to conduct funerals, and to help grieving families through the most harrowing times.
As a funeral celebrant I always meet with close family and often friends to get a sense of the person who has died. I aim to paint a portrait which is designed not merely to help the bereaved to mourn the person they have lost, but to capture their personality: to ‘bring them to life’. Sometimes people want a simple ceremony; others something more elaborate with multiple speakers and even live music. In every case though, I will help to plan and deliver a personal and reflective funeral which is both respectful and, at times, joyful. Humanist ceremonies have no religious content. That usually means no mention of God or afterlife and no hymns although sometimes a family will ask for a hymn to be included even though they want a secular funeral. As humanists, we respect everyone’s rights to their own personal beliefs. I will offer a time for a silent or private reflection as needed by individual families. I am happy to talk about personal backgrounds to include significant cultural and religious influences. A good celebrant understands all the organisational and planning issues at the crematorium or cemetery or memorial ceremony. This in itself provides much-needed support to those who are bereaved, especially for people who have never arranged a funeral before. So I take the lead role throughout the funeral and work with the Funeral Director to make sure that everything runs smoothly. I conduct both cremations and graveside burials, and also carry out memorial services. Sometimes I’m asked to lead funerals for babies or children. These are inevitably very sad but I feel it is such an important part of my role and hope that I can bring comfort at the most difficult of times. If you have further queries or would like to arrange a booking, please email me or call 07930 314 259.
As a funeral celebrant I always meet with close family and often friends to get a sense of the person who has died. I aim to paint a portrait which is designed not merely to help the bereaved to mourn the person they have lost, but to capture their personality: to ‘bring them to life’. Sometimes people want a simple ceremony; others something more elaborate with multiple speakers and even live music. In every case though, I will help to plan and deliver a personal and reflective funeral which is both respectful and, at times, joyful. Humanist ceremonies have no religious content. That usually means no mention of God or afterlife and no hymns although sometimes a family will ask for a hymn to be included even though they want a secular funeral. As humanists, we respect everyone’s rights to their own personal beliefs. I will offer a time for a silent or private reflection as needed by individual families. I am happy to talk about personal backgrounds to include significant cultural and religious influences. A good celebrant understands all the organisational and planning issues at the crematorium or cemetery or memorial ceremony. This in itself provides much-needed support to those who are bereaved, especially for people who have never arranged a funeral before. So I take the lead role throughout the funeral and work with the Funeral Director to make sure that everything runs smoothly. I conduct both cremations and graveside burials, and also carry out memorial services. Sometimes I’m asked to lead funerals for babies or children. These are inevitably very sad but I feel it is such an important part of my role and hope that I can bring comfort at the most difficult of times. If you have further queries or would like to arrange a booking, please email me or call 07930 314 259.
Here are some recent testimonials:
“Thank you for your help and support. You made a most difficult day bearable.” Mick, Laura’s father
Funeral of Laura McConville, 13th April 2023
Funeral of Laura McConville, 13th April 2023
“Myself, Joy and Susan would like to thank you for conducting yesterday’s service so beautifully. We were very happy with it, we felt like dad was given a good send off.” Helen and Susan Pearson, David’s daughters
Funeral of David Pearson, 3rd October 2022
Funeral of David Pearson, 3rd October 2022
“Just a very quick email to say thank you (x1000). I can’t tell you how many people have said how wonderful they thought the service was – all complimentary regarding you and how well it was put together. So many people have said Mark would have thought you were completely the right person for the job. So please accept my heartfelt thanks for making what could have been a very difficult day just a little bit special.” Leo Cogin, Mark’s partner
Funeral of Mark Bidgood, 23rd September 2022
Funeral of Mark Bidgood, 23rd September 2022
“I just wanted to say a huge thanks for everything yesterday. So many people commented on how lovely the ceremony was, and how professional and caring you were (most of them assumed you knew my mum 😊). So I think many people will be looking for humanist funerals now (even some of the staunch Catholics)…I guess we could not have asked for much more.” Suzanne, Moira’s daughter
Funeral of Moira Mooney 19th September 19, 2022
Funeral of Moira Mooney 19th September 19, 2022
“I would I thank you on behalf of our family for officiating at Adrians’ funeral. Words of thanks to not convey enough the amount of detail you used in the Tribute to him which all felt was so beautifully put together. Words of praise still ring in my ears. Afterwards was abundant with talk and chatter of memories and anecdotes, a very happy conclusion for the day A couple of his old table tennis friends came which was great.Thank you again for all your help and contribution to our day.” Richard Cornwell, Adrian’s nephew
Funeral of Adrian Howard, 8th June 2022
Funeral of Adrian Howard, 8th June 2022
“It’s taken me a few days to clear my head but I just wanted to thank you so much for your guidance and managing of the whole service. It was a pleasure for the family to meet you and everybody thought the ceremony was the best they had been to.” Pat, Edgar’s wife
Funeral of Edgar Levy, 31st May 2022
Funeral of Edgar Levy, 31st May 2022
“Thank you very much for everything yesterday. I appreciate it can’t have been easy bringing together all the different elements within the time constraints, but I’m so pleased that we were able to include so much to reflect the different strands of my Dad’s life. I feel sure that he would have been very pleased and touched.” Kate Balderson, Michael’s daughter
“Thank-you very much for your contribution to Michael’s service last Monday. Katie, Anne-Marie and I were all very happy with the way everything ran. We couldn’t have wished for anything better. The service made an impact on those who attended.” Jennifer, Michael’s wife
Funeral of Michael Mills, 30th May 2022
“Thank-you very much for your contribution to Michael’s service last Monday. Katie, Anne-Marie and I were all very happy with the way everything ran. We couldn’t have wished for anything better. The service made an impact on those who attended.” Jennifer, Michael’s wife
Funeral of Michael Mills, 30th May 2022
“The funeral was just as Marilyn would have wanted it. Thank you so much for conducting it as you did, and for all your hard work.” Jacqueline Glasser, Marilyn’s friend
Funeral of Marilyn Malin, 23rd February 2022
Funeral of Marilyn Malin, 23rd February 2022
“Thank you every so much for all your help, patience, coolness, brilliance, decency …. I’m sure everyone says so, but I must repeat it: My mum would have been well chuffed with our wee send off. There were a fair few watching San Jose, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, New York, Stockholm, Borlange, Uppsala, Dubai, Kuala Lumpa, Singapore, Perth, Inverness and Dartford were all tuned in!” Jason Christie, Janice’s son
Funeral of Janice El-Bas, 14th February 2022
Funeral of Janice El-Bas, 14th February 2022
“Hi Sally I just want to thank you so much for yesterday it was perfect.” Julie Closier, Cheryl’s sister
Funeral of Cheryl Closier, 4th February 2022
Funeral of Cheryl Closier, 4th February 2022
“Thank you so much for Thursday – we are so delighted with how it went.” James Ferguson, Ben’s partner
“I wanted to write to thank you for your understanding and your contribution to Ben’s funeral last week. I thought your words were just right both at the Round Chapel and at the Crematorium. It was a day of love and pain but I feel we gave Ben the best celebration of his life we could. I still find it difficult to believe that he has left us but I hope the passage of time will help to heal.” Peter Brown, Ben’s father
Funeral of Ben Brown, 3rd February 2022
“I wanted to write to thank you for your understanding and your contribution to Ben’s funeral last week. I thought your words were just right both at the Round Chapel and at the Crematorium. It was a day of love and pain but I feel we gave Ben the best celebration of his life we could. I still find it difficult to believe that he has left us but I hope the passage of time will help to heal.” Peter Brown, Ben’s father
Funeral of Ben Brown, 3rd February 2022
“Thank you very much for over-seeing Robin’s funeral on Monday with such a light and delicate touch. It was the service I had hoped for in terms of tone and the opportunity to remember and reflect on Robin. Everyone has said how we managed to capture him in all his guises at his various phases of life.” Lindsay, Robin’s wife
Funeral of Robin Dicker, 29th November 2021
Funeral of Robin Dicker, 29th November 2021
“Thank you very much for being such a lovely celebrant, for our simple ceremony. One sister and her family tuned into the webcast in Seattle, another one in Budapest as well as colleagues and friends in Chiang Mai and Sidney Australia. They all wrote to say how moving and appropriate it was.” Antonia, Andrew’s wife
Funeral of Andrew Turton, 15th September 2021
Funeral of Andrew Turton, 15th September 2021
“Thank you so much for speaking so beautifully at our mum’s party. We had many letters and compliments about the day and believe it is exactly what mum would have wanted – lots of smiles, lots of memories and lots of pink!” Janet’s daughters
Memorial service for Janet Friend, 25th July 2021
Memorial service for Janet Friend, 25th July 2021
“Thank you so much for magnificent support in giving Doris a good send off! So many people told us how super you had been as celebrant. Most importantly, we feel Doris got exactly what she wanted.” Barbara and Jeremy, Doris’s friends
Funeral of Doris Wasserman, 14th July 2021
Funeral of Doris Wasserman, 14th July 2021
“Thank you very much for helping us make such a painful day go so smoothly on Monday. For us losing our mum, and for our dad losing his wife, this has all been so sudden, so unexpected and so shocking that we haven’t really known what’s what for the last few months. It has been a very hard time all round, so we’re really grateful for your help and advice, and for helping us to create a day which everyone who was able to come (and those who joined us to view online) seemed to find both moving and memorable. . . It had exactly the right mix of formality with humour and lightness. Jill would have loved her send-off! Thank you for helping us achieve that.” Jaimie D’Cruz, Jill’s son, and Trevor D’Cruz, Jill’s husband
Funeral of Jill D’Cruz, 12th April 2021
Funeral of Jill D’Cruz, 12th April 2021
“Thank you for the pleasant and dignified way you conducted proceedings yesterday, and for your anchoring contribution to bringing the programme together. It was a beautiful ceremony reflecting Hannah’s many great qualities of kindness, loyalty, wisdom, leadership and playfulness. That her positive influence touched so many people in her sadly-shortened life speaks for itself – ‘praised by her very own deeds’, as was said. Her final 14 months were awful for her, and we all felt deeply for her in her predicament, so it was right that the tributes made and read out also reminded us that Hannah’s other 41 years comprised a life of good health, many interests and achievements, in the company of a loving family and wonderful friends. Thank you again for your kind and skilful input into our farewell to our beloved Hannah. It is much appreciated.” Jeff and Evelyn Lever
Funeral of Hannah French, 29th March 2021
Funeral of Hannah French, 29th March 2021
“I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday – it was a really nice relaxed service and talking to everyone afterwards they thought we had got it right.” Mary, Robert’s sister
Funeral of Robert Bayford, 9th February 2021
Funeral of Robert Bayford, 9th February 2021
“Thank you for today. We all felt it went very well.” Marie, Margaret’s daughter
Funeral of Margaret O’Byrne, 8th February 2021
Funeral of Margaret O’Byrne, 8th February 2021
“We are writing to thank you for taking the service to celebrate the life of our dear friend Pam. You did a wonderful job. Your reading of the tributes gave them real meaning. We don’t know how many people watched the service online but almost immediately 4 wrote to say how fitting the service was. Your help in planning the service was invaluable. We wanted a service that would do Pam proud and with your expert professional help we achieved it.” Sue and Peter, Pamela’s friends
Funeral of Pamlea Hibbs, 5th February 2021
Funeral of Pamlea Hibbs, 5th February 2021
“I think you did an amazing job; it was just perfect. It was a brilliant funeral, so well-organised, warm, comforting, and heartening. I think David would have been very pleased. All the speeches were delightful and your own marshalling of the event and your words were so soothing.” Glenys, David’s friend
Funeral of David Milner, 28th January 2021
Funeral of David Milner, 28th January 2021
“Thank you for bringing these memories of Rob to life so well, and for making the whole service work perfectly. I’ve been chatting with a number of people who were there or who viewed the stream online, and everyone is saying it was entirely appropriate for him: poignant, funny, comforting. And I thought so too. You chose the memories and quotes from friends so very well. As you said, you never met Rob, but somehow it feels like you got to know him through the memories you shared with us. Despite him being a man with many, many friends, I’m sure we all learned something new about Rob today. So thank you for sending my dear friend on his way with such aplomb. ‘Pure class’, as he would say.” Rob, Rob’s friend
Funeral of Rob Hingley, 8th June 2020
Funeral of Rob Hingley, 8th June 2020
“Thank you so much for your patience, care and understanding in helping me with Jane’s service. I so wanted to do Jane justice and make sure it was an occasion that she would have approved of. And I really think it was. I couldn’t have wished for a better service and this was very much down to your guidance and the beautiful way you conducted the funeral, with your soothing voice and reassuring presence.” Matthew, Jane’s husband
Funeral of Jane Giilard, 28th May 2020
Funeral of Jane Giilard, 28th May 2020
“The funeral was as good as it could possibly be. How wonderful, and how appropriate, that Carol should be blessed with such an accomplished celebrant who knew and loved her so well and conveyed it so beautifully.” David, Carol’s friend
Funeral of Carol Sarler, 5th May 2020
Funeral of Carol Sarler, 5th May 2020
“Thank you so very much for the most beautiful service for our Mummy. Although this was the most tragically sad event we have had to experience we could not have asked for it to be more beautiful. So thank you very much for your guardianship and allowing us to be able to give her the most fitting and beautiful send off. We have had so many wonderful messages from around the world echoing these sentiments.” Charlie, Emma, Patrick and Thea (family)
Funeral of Maggie Oldham, 16th April 2020
Funeral of Maggie Oldham, 16th April 2020
“The service was a beautiful and fitting tribute to Dad, thanks to all those who input but in particular to you as your delivery was just perfect, a fantastic balance of poignancy and humour all at the right times. So many people have said how much they enjoyed your facilitation of the ceremony, hence these thanks coming from beyond just the ‘core four’ as we dubbed ourselves. We are so appreciative of how you worked with us to bring Dad’s story together, how you brought us peace and comfort through the story telling and how you brought humanity to it all. You truly are a humanist :)” Katie, David’s daughter
Funeral of David Dresser, 24th February 2020
Funeral of David Dresser, 24th February 2020
“I write to thank you most warmly and sincerely, for the exceptional manner in which you prepared for, and conducted to the highest standards, my husband Gerald’s Funeral on 12 February at the City of London Crematorium. From the first moment we met with you, you created a warm and supportive relationship with us, showing great understanding of our needs, and proceeding on all fronts with reassuring confidence, competence and flexibility. You empathised with us and helped to ease the tensions we were all feeling (whether or not we expressed them). I cannot thank you enough on behalf of Becky, Julian and myself, not only for what you did for, (and with) us, but in the calm, understanding way you did it.” Cynthia, Gerald’s wife
Funeral of Gerald Hine, 12th February 2020
Funeral of Gerald Hine, 12th February 2020
“I can’t thank you enough for yesterday. You did it absolutely beautifully, as I knew you would. It went like clockwork and was a great tribute to David. Your care and conscientiousness, not to mention the sheer intelligence that you brought to the whole thing made it a memorable occasion, as everyone present said.” Elizabeth, David’s wife
Funeral of David Witherow, 10th February 2020
Funeral of David Witherow, 10th February 2020
“Thank you again for all you did for us: for your calm presence on the day, your eloquent eulogy, the contribution you made to our farewell to Mark and for speaking the words for those who couldn’t.” Jean and family
Funeral of Mark Scales, 21st January 2020
Funeral of Mark Scales, 21st January 2020
“Thank you so much for leading the service for my brother Colin Lacki. It went very well indeed! I enjoyed meeting you and I appreciated your choice of words. I realize it is not an easy job to do but you did it well!” Christine, Colin’s sister
Funeral of Colin Lacki, 6th December 2019
Funeral of Colin Lacki, 6th December 2019
“Our family just wanted to send you a message to say thank you so much for officiating Dad’s service on Friday. Everyone said what a fitting tribute to Dad and you did a great job of pulling everything together. I’m sure Dad would have been pleased :)” Samantha, Sam’s daughter
Funeral of Sam Selvarajah, 8th November 2019
Funeral of Sam Selvarajah, 8th November 2019
“Thank you Sally for your patience in putting together today’s service. I thought it went well and you did you a great job. Very much appreciated.” Jacquie, Bill’s sister
Funeral of Bill Cody, 29th July 2019
Funeral of Bill Cody, 29th July 2019
“I just want to thank you for taking a beautiful service yesterday, I am sure mum would have loved it.” Sue, Rose’s daughter
Funeral of Rose May Brown, 20th June 2019
Funeral of Rose May Brown, 20th June 2019
“We just wanted to write a quick note to thank you both for giving Fergal such a beautiful and dignified send off. Each beat of the service was perfectly judged by you both, and your sensitivity to our needs meant the world. Thank you.” Ciarán and Natalie, Fergal’s parents
Funeral of baby Fergal Owen, 31st May 2019
Funeral of baby Fergal Owen, 31st May 2019
“Robin and I would again like to thank you for your excellent service as celebrant at our brother’s funeral. You captured the essence of Clive’s character and showed warmth and connection to his memory, bringing the service together in just the way we wanted.” Vivien, Clive’s sister
Funeral of Clive Fenner, 23rd May 2019
Funeral of Clive Fenner, 23rd May 2019
“I wanted to thank you for all your help preparing for mum’s funeral. A number of people have said it was the ‘best’ funeral they had been to which was lovely to hear.” Alyson, Joan’s daughter
Funeral of Joan Hallamby, 12th May 2019
Funeral of Joan Hallamby, 12th May 2019
“Thank you so much for sharing Micky’s life and memories. Everyone was singing your praises. It was such a beautiful day – full of love.” Lorraine, Michael’s wife
Funeral of Michael Marshall, 10th April 2019
Funeral of Michael Marshall, 10th April 2019
“I wanted to write you a message to say thank you for today. I thought the service was lovely and with that and our time afterwards sharing photos and reminiscences, I really feel we celebrated my mum and her life. So thank you very much for that.” Terry, Doris’s son
Funeral of Doris Reynolds, 29th March 2019
Funeral of Doris Reynolds, 29th March 2019
“I wanted to write to say thank you from my family for the excellent work you did as celebrant for my mother’s funeral. You told her story beautifully and we really appreciate how quickly you made everything come together. An extra thank you from me for being so encouraging about me reading the poem.” Anna, Marina’s daughter
Funeral of Marina Galkina, 26th March 2019
Funeral of Marina Galkina, 26th March 2019
“Thanks so much for helping us with Louis’ funeral. It all went incredibly smoothly. It felt like we managed to pull a rabbit out of a hat when we were facing an absolute family meltdown a few weeks ago. I really appreciate your understanding, your adaptability and your personal interest in our family. My brother, sister and I all agreed that the service brought closure and harmony. I feel like we have left him in a beautiful place and sent him off with love.” Monica, Louis’ daughter
Funeral of Louis Kreel, 18th March 2019
Funeral of Louis Kreel, 18th March 2019
“I do want to thank you, Sally, for all you did yesterday to create that tribute to Ann. I didn’t manage to see you after I had been led weeping out of what I think must have been the wrong door. (The weeping was inevitable I fear.) But I think all who knew Ann would have recognized her in the portrait you created: family, of course, but ex-colleagues, people she worked with on voluntary organizations – mainly, recently, to do with protecting the natural environment – and so on.” Dennis, Ann’s husband
Funeral of Ann Pepper, 31st January 2019
Funeral of Ann Pepper, 31st January 2019
“Many thanks for all your help yesterday. Everybody who spoke to me thought it went very well, was how Paul would have liked his funeral to be, and in particular how well Wei spoke. It was a pleasure to meet you in very difficult circumstances.” Derek, Paul’s friend
Funeral of Paul Cullington, 28th January 2019
Funeral of Paul Cullington, 28th January 2019
“James and I wanted to thank you for being such a great celebrant for Dad’s Funeral. It wasn’t easy pulling everything together over the Xmas holidays, but your flexibility and support made it so much easier to manage. The way you wrote the script was just great – we really felt like you managed to plot and encapsulate his life, which was not an easy task as you know – he’d lived such a full life.” Kate, Roland’s daughter
Funeral of Roland Harris, 3rd January 2019
Funeral of Roland Harris, 3rd January 2019
“Thank you for delivering Les’s service of remembrance yesterday. It was respectful and personal.” Maureen, Leslie’s daughter-in-law
Funeral of Leslie Dennis, 27th September 2018
Funeral of Leslie Dennis, 27th September 2018
“I really cannot thank you enough for your incredibly hard work, patience and dedication in putting together the service for Rose yesterday.” Alan, Rose’s husband
Funeral of Rose Gluckman, 16th August 2018
Funeral of Rose Gluckman, 16th August 2018
“Thanks very much for organising such an emotional and joyful funeral.” Gracia, Vic’s wife
Funeral of Vic Lockwood, 13th August 2018
Funeral of Vic Lockwood, 13th August 2018
“I felt I must just write once more to thank you for leading the service for Victor so skillfully yesterday. We all felt it went very well, although I realise you were hard-pressed to fit everything into the available time.” Glenda, Victor’s sister
Funeral of Victor Newsome, 25th July 2018
Funeral of Victor Newsome, 25th July 2018
“Helen, Nigel and I would like to thank you most sincerely for the sensitive and professional manner you conducted the funeral service for Len. We are extremely pleased. I would like to express my appreciation to you for the advice you gave me about interspersing the musical and spoken contributions for the ceremony, it really turned out superbly. The friends who contacted us about the service since were quite effusive in their praise for the ceremony. Again we offer you our heartfelt thanks and extend our best wishes to you.” Evelyn, Lennox’s wife
Funeral of Lennox Sheppard, 19th June 2018
Funeral of Lennox Sheppard, 19th June 2018
“From the moment we met with you you worked tirelessly composing, arranging, editing the tribute despite the many amendments from us and the slow responses by the grandchildren. You miraculously brought it all together. You certainly interpreted and captured or family philosophy. The essence of our darling mother came across so vividly. The whole ‘celebration of life’ was just aswe had hoped for and we couldn’t have achieved it without you.” Nikki and Melanie, Antronette’s daughters
Funeral for Antronette Frank, 4th June 2018
Funeral for Antronette Frank, 4th June 2018
“Thank you so much for leading our service yesterday, it touched the right note and Uncle would have been satisfied that we were not making too much fuss! Everyone thought it went well and that your guidance throughout helped it go smoothly.” Dawn Harrison, Stanley’s niece
Funeral of Stanley Spence, 11th May 2018
Funeral of Stanley Spence, 11th May 2018
“I just wanted to say a quick thank you for your help to send dad off in the way that he would have liked. Everyone thought that the service was great, and that it was a fitting tribute to the Old Man. I thought you did a terrific job in presenting the script, and that we ended up with the service we wanted.” Alasdair Deas, Thomas’s son
Funeral of Thomas Deas, 8th May 2018
Funeral of Thomas Deas, 8th May 2018
“Thank you so much for yesterday. You made us all very proud and everyone said what a fantastic service it was – the best they’d ever been to. Thank you once again for all your time and effort. We all really appreciated it.” Debbie, Brian’s daughter
Funeral of Brian Thwaites, 9th April 2018
Funeral of Brian Thwaites, 9th April 2018
“Just a note to thank you for the wonderful service yesterday. Everyone commented on how personal it was and what a lovely speaker you were and that you totally summed up Mum. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you our Mum would have been very proud.” Loretta and Susan, Ines’s daughters
Funeral of Ines Hughes, 22nd March 2018
Funeral of Ines Hughes, 22nd March 2018
“I would like to thank you for a truly exceptional celebration service you carried out for our family. It was delivered with great warmth, energy and empathy. It really felt like you knew Dad. On behalf of our family thank you so much, it meant a lot to us. All the very best and please carry on doing the great job you do with other families.” Chris, Christopher’s son
Funeral of Christopher Doyle, 15th February 2018
Funeral of Christopher Doyle, 15th February 2018
“Just wanted to say thank you for the lovely service for my mum earlier.” Alice, Caroline’s daughter
Funeral of Caroline Jackson, 6th November 2017
Funeral of Caroline Jackson, 6th November 2017
“I find it difficult to thank you enough for your kindness, calmness and thoughtfulness to us in handling Mike’s funeral service. Speaking to so many afterwards, they felt you must be a family friend to speak so knowingly about him. I really don’t know how you managed to bring him to life so beautifully. The service you conducted was lovely and all of us felt it was just perfect for him. I am most grateful for all the help and patience you have shown to us.” Denny, Michael’s wife
Funeral of Michael Ward, 2nd November 2017
Funeral of Michael Ward, 2nd November 2017
“Thank you for doing such a beautiful job for us at the service… it really was perfect and I am still amazed by how quickly you managed to get into the spirit of our family and Vanessa having known us for such a brief period.” Parker, Vanessa’s father
Funeral of Vanessa Moss, 12th September 2017a
Funeral of Vanessa Moss, 12th September 2017a
“I just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for the ceremony that you did for my father. The whole family was very pleased.” David, John’s son
Funeral for John Marjoram, 7th August 2017
Funeral for John Marjoram, 7th August 2017
“Thank you for your help and support last week and for conducting an excellent ceremony at Golders Green.” Robert, Kenneth’s son
Funeral of Kenneth Savage, 23rd June 2017
Funeral of Kenneth Savage, 23rd June 2017
“A note of appreciation, Sally, for all that you did to make Matt’s funeral exactly what I had envisaged and, further, one of which he would have heartily approved. The family join with me in sending their thanks.” Cynthia, Matthw’s wife
Funeral of Matthew Fell, 19th May 2017
Funeral of Matthew Fell, 19th May 2017
“Liv and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the manner in which you conducted Louise’s funeral service yesterday. You helped us so much in constructing what was a beautiful and fitting celebration of Louise and on the day you were so sensitive in helping our speakers deliver their own eulogies.” Tony, Louise’s husband
“Thank you so much for your superb organisation yesterday at the celebration service for Louise. It was wonderful, uplifting and emotional all at the same time and was such a fitting tribute for such a lovely lady and true friend. I was so lucky to have enjoyed a relationship with her for 38 years ! There was a real outpouring of love in that room, and you were brilliant at linking all the tributes together, and understanding how much Louise meant to so many people.” Sarah, Louise’s friend
Funeral of Louise Power, 5th May 2017
“Thank you so much for your superb organisation yesterday at the celebration service for Louise. It was wonderful, uplifting and emotional all at the same time and was such a fitting tribute for such a lovely lady and true friend. I was so lucky to have enjoyed a relationship with her for 38 years ! There was a real outpouring of love in that room, and you were brilliant at linking all the tributes together, and understanding how much Louise meant to so many people.” Sarah, Louise’s friend
Funeral of Louise Power, 5th May 2017
“My sincere thank you for a lovely ceremony today. A fitting tribute to my uncle.” Richard, William’s nephew
Funeral of William Falconer, 28th March 2017
Funeral of William Falconer, 28th March 2017
“We just wanted to write to you to say thank you so very much for the wonderful service on Friday. You did such a lovely job. Dad would have really liked you! Everyone afterwards at the party was saying how lovely your delivery was. It is such an important and difficult job and you delivered the comments in such a spirited and yet compassionate way. It is a real art. Thank you so very much from all of us.” Sara, Stanley’s daughter
Funeral of Stanley Bielecki, 20th January 2017a
Funeral of Stanley Bielecki, 20th January 2017a
“I want to give you my heartfelt gratitude for agreeing to lead the funeral service at such short notice. The way in which you gathered so much information and captured my Mumma’s life was remarkable. Everyone who attended the service continue to share their thoughts with me of you as a caring and expressive human being with a genuine love of people. The service was respectful, celebratory, injecting humour and reflected my Mumma’s life as we all knew it. Knowing you for a brief amount of time I saw your quiet strength, caring ways and goodness which shone that day. Thank you for all you did and all you are.” Selina, Paula’s daughter
Funeral of Paula Blythe, 29th December 2016
Funeral of Paula Blythe, 29th December 2016
“Thank you so much for all you did to make yesterday’s ceremony such a fitting celebration of our father. It is very clear to us that we really wouldn’t have managed it without you, not only due to you leading the service but also for making sure we delivered our scripts on time and, of course, for recommending the church. Your delivery of the service was perfectly pitched and very beautiful. We were all very pleased with how the service went and many people commented on it in glowing terms.” Margot, Martin’s daughter
Memorial service for Martin Heller, 26th October 2016
Memorial service for Martin Heller, 26th October 2016
“Thank you, Sally, for the beautiful ceremony for my husband. Thank you for the hard work you did, and your patience with me.” Neelam, Tomis’s wife
Funeral of Tomis Kapitan, 21st October 2016
Funeral of Tomis Kapitan, 21st October 2016
“Sally the service was beautiful and I cannot thank you enough for all your efforts. It was a service filled with love and it was beautifully orchestrated by you. I heard so many comments about how good you were and how your voice carried across the room , with just the right tones. Thank you again for making one of the most devastating and heartbreaking days more bearable.” Michelle, Marks’s partner
Funeral of Mark Shine, 29th September 2016
Funeral of Mark Shine, 29th September 2016
“I wanted to get in touch to thank you for holding such a warm and personal service for my mum Fiona last week. It was a very difficult day and me, my dad and aunt really appreciated the time and care you took to put such a beautiful service together. A lot of my friends said that my mum would have been proud and her partner said we had all done a wonderful job with it all which was reassuring.” Jasmine Finnamore, Fiona’s daughter
Funeral of Fiona Mellor, 8th August 2016
Funeral of Fiona Mellor, 8th August 2016
“Thank you for making the day really special. It made a sad occasion enjoyable and memorable.” Sally Martin, Tony’s daughter
Funeral of Tony Benson, 10th June 2016
Funeral of Tony Benson, 10th June 2016
“Thank you for your support today, you were the inspiration for a lovely service for my dad.” Simon Holden, Thomas’s son
Funeral of Thomas Francis Holden, 22nd April 2016
Funeral of Thomas Francis Holden, 22nd April 2016
“Just a note to thank you so much. We’ve had many nice comments about the funeral service and indeed, the family felt everything went exactly as we wanted so we are very grateful for everything you did.” Liz Chase, Roland’s daughter
Funeral of Roland Francis Chase, 25th February 2016
Funeral of Roland Francis Chase, 25th February 2016
“I think everyone would agree that the memorial service for Brian was uplifting and relaxed, hence Brian was sent on his way with a smile on his face I’m sure 🙂
Thanks Sally for pulling and putting it all together! :-)” Brian Godding, Brian’s friend
Funeral of Brian Belshaw, 15th February 2016
Thanks Sally for pulling and putting it all together! :-)” Brian Godding, Brian’s friend
Funeral of Brian Belshaw, 15th February 2016
“I just wanted to email you to thank you so much for leading the service for Hilary. Your tone and comments were perfect. We had a very good gathering afterwards, more like a party than a funeral. Many of those who knew Hilary well commented on how beautiful and relevant the service was.” John Horton, Hilary’s son
Funeral of Hilary Horton, 13th February 2016
Funeral of Hilary Horton, 13th February 2016
“That was superb, Sally – I absolutely loved it – it was JUST what I wanted for her and all managed beautifully by you.
I feel very much lifted by the warmth of the whole thing, in addition to having read the fantastic tribute to her in the Morning Star on the train on the way up.
The speeches were all wonderful in their differences – and I loved it when the (as yet, unidentified) man bellowed ‘Goodbye, Nicola!’ as her coffin left – and of course I was so glad that both of the kids were able to add their own, great, personal part to it, as well.
Very proud of them for that – and I know she would have been, too.” Lisa Seyd, Nicola’s daughter
Funeral of Nicola Seyd, 18th December 2015
I feel very much lifted by the warmth of the whole thing, in addition to having read the fantastic tribute to her in the Morning Star on the train on the way up.
The speeches were all wonderful in their differences – and I loved it when the (as yet, unidentified) man bellowed ‘Goodbye, Nicola!’ as her coffin left – and of course I was so glad that both of the kids were able to add their own, great, personal part to it, as well.
Very proud of them for that – and I know she would have been, too.” Lisa Seyd, Nicola’s daughter
Funeral of Nicola Seyd, 18th December 2015
“Just to say thank you SO much for helping my brother Mike and I put together the funeral for my father, John Wardroper. You helped us so much, as when he died I was dreading the funeral, thinking I didn’t know what to say, or where on earth to start. But by giving us the outline of the service, and encouraging us to write down our memories of him, you helped us put together a lovely service that was true to his personality and life, with music and poetry he loved. In the end it turned out to be very therapeutic for me, writing down my memories, as it gave me time to think about him and the ways he was important to me.
Nick, my husband, said it was so different from other funerals he has been to, which often feel like they are following a formula, whereas he felt Dad’s funeral really gave a vivid picture of the person that he was, and therefore meant much more.
With warm thanks for helping me face a difficult transition.” Ann Riding, John’s daughter
Funeral of John Wardrober, 23rd October 2015
Nick, my husband, said it was so different from other funerals he has been to, which often feel like they are following a formula, whereas he felt Dad’s funeral really gave a vivid picture of the person that he was, and therefore meant much more.
With warm thanks for helping me face a difficult transition.” Ann Riding, John’s daughter
Funeral of John Wardrober, 23rd October 2015
“Thank you so much for today. It all went smoothly and in no small part this was due to you.” Erika Lewis, Jacob’s daughter
Funeral of Jacob Pesate, 5th August 2015
Funeral of Jacob Pesate, 5th August 2015
“I just wanted to thank you for the lovely service you did for Zenaida. It was beautiful and I know she would have approved.” Daphne Adams, Zenaida’s friend
Funeral of Zenaida Mettam, 2nd July 2015
Funeral of Zenaida Mettam, 2nd July 2015
“I just wanted to thank you for making yesterday so easy for us…you ensured everything ran professionally and smoothly, yet personally too…and we’re all so happy with how it went.” Muthoni Wanyeki, Winnie’s sister
Funeral of Winnifred Wanyeki, 16th July 2015
Funeral of Winnifred Wanyeki, 16th July 2015
“Thank you so much for the way you carried out my Mum’s funeral today. It was such a sad day for me and my two sisters, but everyone who attended said how you made us feel joyous and at peace. Please accept my profound gratitude for all your hard work and understanding.” Margaret McCartney, Peggy’s daughter
Funeral of Peggy Wright, 15th May 2015
Funeral of Peggy Wright, 15th May 2015
“I just wanted to say if I may that I thought you conducted a lovely ceremony for Ben yesterday, which I’m sure that he would have been really appreciative of. And it was both an honour and a privilege for me personally to have been able to participate in it. It is alas often the case that it is through unfortunate circumstances that people are brought into contact when they probably would never have been otherwise but that said it was nice to meet you all the same.” Nick Girling, Ben’s friend
Funeral for Ben Laikin, 16th March 2015
Funeral for Ben Laikin, 16th March 2015
“Back in Brussels, Janine, Diane and I would like to thank you for having conducted Rosette’s funeral with so much dignity, class, and controlled emotion. We were truly moved, and we are grateful for having received your support and that of Rosette’s friends in these moments of grief.” Philippe Longerstaey, Rosette’s friend
Funeral for Rosette Irwin, 18th March 2015
Funeral for Rosette Irwin, 18th March 2015
“I just wanted to say if I may that I thought you conducted a lovely ceremony for Ben yesterday, which I’m sure that he would have been really appreciative of. And it was both an honour and a privilege for me personally to have been able to participate in it. It is alas often the case that it is through unfortunate circumstances that people are brought into contact when they probably would never have been otherwise but that said it was nice to meet you all the same.” Nick Girling, Ben’s friend
Funeral for Ben Laikin, 16th March 2015
Funeral for Ben Laikin, 16th March 2015
“Sorry I didn’t get a proper chance to talk to you and thank you properly for all that you did for Chris and Dave, and Fred’s funeral yesterday. I think you did a fantastic job and struggle to think how you could have improved it even with more time, everbody that attended remarked on how nice the service was, so thank you again.” Tony Fairbairn (Fred’s nephew)
Funeral for Frederic Fairbairn, 10th February 2015
Funeral for Frederic Fairbairn, 10th February 2015
“Dear Sally, without exception everyone was blown away by Evelyn’s funeral service. Everyone commented on how you struck the perfect balance between sadness, humour and celebration, and all felt that the Evelyn you spoke about was the Evelyn they knew. There is only one chance to get a funeral service right and for getting it as right as you did I will always be indebted to you. Many thanks and best wishes.” Matthew Dodd, Evelyn’s husband
Funeral for Evelyn Mintrim, 9th February 2015
Funeral for Evelyn Mintrim, 9th February 2015
“I just want to thank you for writing such a good script and bringing the funeral together. It was a wonderful send off for Bernard and I think he would have been overwhelmed.” Julia Busch, Bernard’s friend
Funeral for Bernard Kay, 21st January 2015
Funeral for Bernard Kay, 21st January 2015
“Many thanks for today, the address went perfectly and it was so rewarding to hear how much people felt my mother had been brought to life, both by the address and the tributes and all perfectly delivered.” Anne Taylor, Claude’s daughter
Funeral for Claude Taylor, 17th January 2015
Funeral for Claude Taylor, 17th January 2015
“Now that the dust has settled, I just wanted to say thank you for all that you did that made Don’s Ceremony a most perfect occasion. The day couldn’t have been more perfect. Everybody commented on how wonderful it was, on how dignified and appropriate for Don. And everybody agrees that you were brilliant!” Beverly Levy, Donald’s stepdaughter
Funeral for Professor Donald Bradley, 7th January 2015
Funeral for Professor Donald Bradley, 7th January 2015
“Thank you, once again, for a wonderful summary of Mr Gilbert’s life, character and achievements. Your speech contributed to making the event a very moving, but also uplifting, occasion for me.” Gabriel Partos, Henry’s friend
“Thank you for a beautiful service, a speech which not only had meaning to me, but for others too! I loved your words and selections out of the Requiem.” Judith Weber, Henry’s niece
Funeral for Henry Francis Gilbert, 27th November 2014
“Thank you for a beautiful service, a speech which not only had meaning to me, but for others too! I loved your words and selections out of the Requiem.” Judith Weber, Henry’s niece
Funeral for Henry Francis Gilbert, 27th November 2014
“Our whole family (and guests) were delighted (if you can say that about a funeral) with every aspect of Mum’s day. From the lovely hearse and flowers to the time keeping of the actual service. You are so eloquent and everyone immediately recognised your talent as an accomplished speaker and journalist. It was a pleasure to have you as part of Mum’s day.” Deborah Chapman, Barbara’s daughter
“I just wanted to thank you again for the service you lead yesterday for my Grandma, Barbara May Chapman. She was a strong-minded and direct, colourful woman and I know she would have liked you enormously! You really brought to life her character and place in our family, making yesterday a fitting tribute and the most enjoyable and personalised funeral I have ever attended. Grandma would approve! I would recommend your celebrant work without hesitation.” Eleanor Bullivant, Barabra’s granddaughter
Funeral for Barbara May Chapman, 8th October 2014
“I just wanted to thank you again for the service you lead yesterday for my Grandma, Barbara May Chapman. She was a strong-minded and direct, colourful woman and I know she would have liked you enormously! You really brought to life her character and place in our family, making yesterday a fitting tribute and the most enjoyable and personalised funeral I have ever attended. Grandma would approve! I would recommend your celebrant work without hesitation.” Eleanor Bullivant, Barabra’s granddaughter
Funeral for Barbara May Chapman, 8th October 2014
Thank you so much for helping to make yesterday so special. It really felt like a happy day, despite all the circumstances, for all concerned. Everybody felt it was a very fitting service and many of the Irish visitors expressed that they wished they did something similar in Ireland! Sian Horsley, James’ partner
Memorial service for James Phelan, 4th October 2014
Memorial service for James Phelan, 4th October 2014
“Hi Sally, just a short note to thank you so much for yesterday’s funeral service for my Dad and the copy of the procedure and events planned – it just went so well and without a hitch. It was exactly how I wanted it, everyone was so very helpful, kind and considerate it made my day very easy not having to worry about anything – and wasn’t it lovely that everyone made an effort and wore bright colours, it certainly was a service of his life and I think he would have loved it all. I think Julie and Stevie did very well with their readings, and your two poems just fitted in lovely. Once again thank you for all your help and assistance.” Carol Henderson, James’ daughter
Funeral of James Henry Russell, 16th July 2014a
Funeral of James Henry Russell, 16th July 2014a
“Thank you so much for your part in yesterday’s proceedings. Both events were everything they needed to be – and the Lauderdale House ceremony was beautiful, poignant, uplifting, desperately sad and a wonderful tribute to our wonderful Clare. So thank you for holding us all together and writing such a perfect script.” Sarah Hitchens
“Thank you so much for arranging and leading the humanist funeral service at Marylebone Crematorium and ceremony of celebration of Clare’s life at Lauderdale House. An occasion at once deeply sad and yet full of rejoicing, you orchestrated it beautifully and surely did my sister, Clare, proud. On behalf of Clare’s family, I would like to thank you for helping us as we mourn the loss of one very dear to us all.” Sara Condy, Clare’s sister
“Thank you for all your hard work making it all go right, with just the right amount of encouragement for us to get our speeches together. I am very happy that we managed the right send off for our dear friend.” Caroline Rodgers, Clare’s friend
Funeral of Clare Condy, 6th March 2014
“Thank you so much for arranging and leading the humanist funeral service at Marylebone Crematorium and ceremony of celebration of Clare’s life at Lauderdale House. An occasion at once deeply sad and yet full of rejoicing, you orchestrated it beautifully and surely did my sister, Clare, proud. On behalf of Clare’s family, I would like to thank you for helping us as we mourn the loss of one very dear to us all.” Sara Condy, Clare’s sister
“Thank you for all your hard work making it all go right, with just the right amount of encouragement for us to get our speeches together. I am very happy that we managed the right send off for our dear friend.” Caroline Rodgers, Clare’s friend
Funeral of Clare Condy, 6th March 2014
“Thank you so much for doing the service yesterday which I thought went very well. Lots of people have said that they thought it struck just the right note and was a fitting tribute to Chris.” Peter Short
Funeral of Christine Jakovljevic, 1st February 2014
Funeral of Christine Jakovljevic, 1st February 2014
“Thank you so much for yesterday. It was as wonderful as a funeral can be. Many people remarked on how well you spoke and kept it upbeat and not miserable and dour.” Amanda Bakhtiar
Funeral of Ian Woosden Bennett, 24th January 2014
Funeral of Ian Woosden Bennett, 24th January 2014
“Hi Sally, just wanted to say a massive thank you for the beautiful service you performed for Mary yesterday. A few people said they thought you had known her all your life. You really added a sincere personal touch and I did not ever imagine it could be such a joyous ceremony with lots of laughter. I even heard someone say it was the nicest funeral they had ever been to (if you can say that), it truly was a celebration of her life. Barry, Tanner, Tarik, Nola and I are all extremely grateful for everything you have done to make it so much easier for us. Thanks again for everything, I know Mary would have loved you and you would have loved her!” Marie Foley, on behalf of the family
Funeral of Laura Mary Neill, 8th January 2014
Funeral of Laura Mary Neill, 8th January 2014
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for the wonderful job that you did for us yesterday at my father’s funeral. It was very well done and much appreciated by all members of the family.” Juliet, George’s daughter
Funeral of George Ernst New, 23rd October 2013
Funeral of George Ernst New, 23rd October 2013
“I am writing a few lines to say from all the family in Cornwall, thank you so much for your support and leading the ceremony, of our beautiful Marcia. It will be a special day to remember forever.” Suzanna Dennis, Marcia’s mother
“Hi Sally, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for everything. Especially your encouragement to talk. It meant a lot to us to be able to represent Marcia’s Life.” Helina and Jo, Marcia’s friends
Funeral of Marcia Pook, 17th September 2013
“Hi Sally, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for everything. Especially your encouragement to talk. It meant a lot to us to be able to represent Marcia’s Life.” Helina and Jo, Marcia’s friends
Funeral of Marcia Pook, 17th September 2013